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- 拉取分支代码:
git clone -b [branch_name] [remote_url]
- 查看所有远程分支:
git branch -a
- 查看本地分支:
git branch
- 创建分支:
git branch [branch_name]
- 切换到分支:
git checkout [branch_name]
- 删除本地分支:
git branch -d [branch_name]
- 删除远程分支:
git push origin --delete [branch_name]
- 拉取远程分支:
git fetch origin [branc_name]
- 合并本地分支:
git merge [branch_name]
- 撤销合并:
git reset --hard [commit_id]
- 重命名本地分支:
git branch -m [old_branch_name] [new_branch_name]
- 丢弃未提交的更改:
git clean -df
- 丢弃所有已commit的修改:
git checkout .
- 将更改暂存:
git stash
- 拉取代码:
git pull
- 恢复暂存:
git stash pop
- 将远程仓库与本地仓库关联:
git remote add origin [remote_url]
- 删除远程仓库与本地仓库的关联:
git remote rm origin
- 将本地的代码推送到关联的远程仓库:
git push -u origin [branch_name]